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DPWH Tarlac joins NSED

To promote disaster awareness and resilience to the communities, the Department of Public Works and Highways – Tarlac 1st District Engineering Office participated in the first quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) on March 9, 2023.

District Maintenance Engineer Renato Martinez led the earthquake drill and urged all employees to take this type of activity by heart on how to respond if possible impacts of a strong earthquake that may hit the province.

The employees actively participated the demonstration experts’ advice to performed the “duck, cover and hold” procedure during an earthquake.

“Our Maintenance Team also implemented appropriate evacuation procedures, established an Emergency Operations Center, and Emergency Medical Response during the mock drill,” Martinez said.

Meanwhile, District Engineer Neil Farala expressed that earthquake drills should be taken seriously since this is a way to check the efficiency of the office’s contingency plans related to disaster situations such as earthquakes.#(DPWH TARLAC 1ST DEO DPAIU)

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