Committed to provide global compliance and hometown service with passion and dedication, Lupo S. Ramos & Co. (LSR & Co.) celebrated its 65th anniversary at the Heroes Hall, City of San Fernando.
“Without your trust and confidence, LSR & Co. would be nothing,” said Mary Lou Ramos Tolentino, Managing Partner, LSR & Co.

Tolentino bared that the lasting relationship with employees and clients made the company established not just a work place but a family throughout the years.
Atty. Lorenzo Timbol, LSR’s client since the company’s inception, who was personally served by the founder Lupo Ramos himself, shared that the firm has been intelligent, honest, efficient, loyal service, always updated and never outdated.
During the ceremonies, employee service awardees and posthumous awardees were handed out as well.
With corporate values of loyalty, service, reliability and commitment, LSR & Co. has been recognized as a trailblazer in the field of accountancy in Pampanga.