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Unvaxxed teachers allowed in face-to-face classes

The Department of Education (DepEd) said that unvaccinated teachers to teach when face to face classes resume on August 22.

DepEd Undersecretary Revsee Escobedo stated “Our new policy is that we will allow unvaccinated teachers to report and teach, provided that they will still follow minimum public health protocols, such as wearing of face masks, and the classroom where they will teach has proper ventilation.” Escobedo said.

He added, “We now no longer prohibit from teaching those who are not vaccinated. All teachers will teach our students and they will report to their respective classrooms.”

The Undersecretary said, however, that the teachers must adhere to the minimum public health protocols, like the wearing of face masks. The classrooms must also be properly ventilated.

Escobedo stressed that teachers who manifest COVID-19 symptoms are advised to stay in their homes and get tested, and that those who undergo quarantine are granted “excused leave with pay.”

“If they are at home isolating, they are considered on leave,” Escobedo said.

DepEd is currently coordinating with the Department of Health on the possibility of having mobile vaccinations in schools for teachers and students that may wish to get jabbed.

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